Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wk 3, Free Choice Post

I was totally worried about writing the abstract. All the time I was thinking I could not possibly summarize my entire project in 120 words or less. Then, I sat down and started really working on it and it was a piece of cake! Maybe I should 'stop taking myself so d*$& seriously'!

On another note, I am worried about the upcoming project for next week. It freaks me out to think about talking about my project to someone other than my classmates and/or professors. As a teacher of elementary age children, my audiences usually think I'm awesome if I look pretty or teach them a cool new song. Now I have to think about doing a professional presentation in front of at least hundreds of people, who will be expecting to hear about results and methods and reasoning. I am pretty sure they will not be settling for a pretty dress and a song that has a good beat! (And please do not suggest that I should imagine my audience in their underwear. That DOES NOT work!) As a matter of fact, I am getting nervous just thinking about it! Time to go to my happy place and not think about it for a little while!

My 'happy place' - the mountains in Colombia.

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