Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wk 2 reading: Art of Possibility

I thoroughly enjoyed our reading this week and found that it was not a chore to get through. (I was also able to upload the book to my Nook which is a treat in and of itself!)

I wish that when I was getting my degree in Music Education that I had a professor like Benjamin Zander. He is truly inspirational and seems to bring out the best in all whom he meets. In his book, The Art of Possibility, Benjamin and his wife, Roz, really challenge the reader to think differently and approach our lives with greater expectations. I found the material and the purpose behind the material inspiring. However, I know that I will struggle to put these suggestions into play.

If I follow what the book suggests, I should be able to look at the relationship between myself and my dad and find a way to explain the antagonism that has existed between the two of us for years. In theory, this sounds true but in reality, it is going to take some time to let go of all those negative feelings and embrace my new invention.
I found that embracing this new world of possibilities is going to be a work in progress. It would be nice to be that person who says that numbers do not matter and that it is about how we can work together as a group and how we contribute to that group. However, that is just not me. I am a numbers kind of girl!

I did fall in love with how Ben interacted with his students. I don’t know how I can shed my “measurement” skin and become the person that “gives an A” to others, but I desperately want to do it. I want to be the inspirational teacher, so hopefully the rest of the book will guide me in how to be just that. (I think maybe I have to “invent” myself as the inspirational teacher!)


  1. Jenn,
    Looking at relationships to find how/why they function the way they do is hard. You have some great thoughts on embracing the world of possibilities. However, understanding it is a progress is hard to wrap one's mind around. Change comes with time, but starts out with the big idea!

  2. @Jenn
    I think that you have the right idea here. What the Zanders have written is definitely inspirational, and should be a goal personal goal that we set for ourselves. While some parts are very clear in the ways we can try to go about achieving those goals, other times they are things that we may never be able to personally achieve. However, the real key is trying. It is like when Roz wrote the section on “The Best Sex Ever”, the real key to the exercise was that the participants put forth the effort, not in the final results. Keep trying and put forth a honest attempt, and you may find yourself surprised at the results. There is never a guaranty that you will be successful, but you will have bettered yourself for having tried.
